Well I just recently participated in the Great Down Under Nappy Hunt, it was a lot of fun and I got to see lots of fantastic businesses run by Mums like me, just making cool things to sell. It really seemed like fun! Couple that with spending time with the Cath from Ginger Crush I felt inspired! I have long toyed with the idea of making hair clips and other things that seemed within my realm of ability and suddenly I feel like before I have even done much research at all I'm on the road towards being one of those creative Mums! I'm excited, I feel like spending, I'm lying awake thinking of ideas ....
But the niggle at the back of my mind it that I'm not great at follow through. (I can't count the number of great ideas that never happened or took a very long time) I know I should just start by making them, then if they turn out any good, give some as gifts and then if the response is good THEN start thinking bigger.... but I'm already planning a store and all the things I can make in my *spare time* (LOL)
Oh and we want to have another child soon, so... yeah I'm highlighting here how unrealistic I am in hope that my brain will slow down a bit, but it's not it's just getting excited!
I have ordered some supplies and plan to go to spotlight or Lincraft this week to get more, I really can't wait!! I think it would be cool to have a name in mind now, so when I give a gift etc I can sort of have a label in prep for IF things ever get more serious.
I can't really read Dave's reaction to this, which in part I am grateful for, he is being supportive and not saying much, I imagine he has his reservations...
So any ideas re the name? I want something cute and happy and fun but not just tied down to hair clips.
All I have so far is "Sweet Ingridients" or "Saraliese designs" but neither hit the spot with me...
I also thought of "Cute as a Button" but a quick google showed that it's already taken.
Also let me know if your interested seeing what I make (I'm sure I'll post pics here when I have
made some things)

Hi Ingrid
I like "Sweet Ingridients", but try this for ideas: Google anything like "Ingrid hair clip sweet" or whatever, click "Show options", click "Wonder wheel".
GDUNH got me all excited too! Made me can't wait for my daughter to come along (faith!), with all the cute stuff. I bought some supplies to make hairclips too, but only for gift giving, not for profit. You are blessed to have girls to try them on! :P
I'm excited for you too.
I'm excited for you, too! Maybe when your child #3 is weaned and walking...! Ali ;)
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