Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Home Birth Dreams probably won't become a realilty

If you have no idea about whats happening in Australia with new legislation affecting mid-wifes and their practices read here.

Basically what I understand is that as of next year, home births will be illegal because mid-wifes won't be allowed and doctors won't do them. The only way is to go it alone with no professional support, which I know Dave won't be comfortable with.

I think that it's terrible, no matter your opinions on it, everyone should have the choice to birth where they feel most comfortable, esp as the research shows that homebirth is safe! (Some statistics here). Also here is a cool article to read if you are interested in a doctors perspective.

So realistically, given the speed of my labours, next time I may be forced to be one of those demeaning car park birth stories - I can't think of anything worse...

Just doing my bit here to raise awareness of what is going on.