Saturday, 26 July 2008

Adventures in EC land

After what has seemed like a potty pause (Taliese getting upset when placed on potty - prob coz it was cold, and generally missing a lot) we are having a new breakthrough! YAY!

It started about a week ago when I noticed Taliese whacking herself on the side of the head. It was very funny, and I was a tad worried that she would hurt herself. Later that day it happened again and it really seemed like she was trying to tell me something.

It wasn't until the next day that I remembered that ages ago I had dabbled with a sign for potty that was tapping just above your ear with your hand. (I don't think i had done it for at least 2 months - given up really)

So I asked her if she wanted to pot and she grunted enthusiastically!

I took her and she sat happily and produced a large wee and poo! Since then we have tried to respond to this signal, resulting in MANY less dirty nappies and a happier girl on the potty.

She still gets very upset when we miss it and she has a dirty nappy, and she seems to be more consistent with the sign, when she is not tired and already has our attention (either that or we just miss it at other times altogether?)

Anyway it is progress and clear communication, so that is VERY exciting! Yay for less pooey nappies!