Tuesday, 19 February 2008
What is the opposite of EC?
On the up side we have been getting a few poos each day - but that is only because all of a sudden she needs to go MANY times a day! Once a day, morning poo was nice!
We are missing a lot too!
I fear teeth may be on the horizon! Either that or an entire day (Stefan's party) of no EC bothered her a lot!
I guess we sill just persevere and keep up the potty-tuinities from our end and hope she will settle down again soon!
Monday, 4 February 2008
Taliese's 6 month EC Update
We started at... 6 weeks old
Generally speaking we are doing... better than last week when I started writing this! We have just had a great week! One almost completely dry night, day, night (if that makes sense) We missed the start of one poo and that was all! The next day of course was terrible (EC - wise), but a busy day too.
How do you know your baby has to go / when do you offer baby a wee?
Timing: After wake up, and a while after feeds or if she hasn't been for a while.
Signs and signals: I must be picking up on some signs as we are having a drier patch but not observant enough to say what they are. generally i think it's her who is doing more amazing than me or hubby. Maybe wriggling or unsettled?
Farts are a good sign a poo is on it's way ... My hubby is better at just taking the time waiting around til they happen,. I tend to give her an op, no result then off to do something else again. I am very thankful for his involvement in this way and what that has taught me about the benefits of spending a little more time waiting! I am starting to experiment a bit with some sign language but not very consistent yet. I think it will be cool if she starts to push our hands away or something when not done as someone on here said their DD did.
Intuition: Just when I think it's been a while, or when I need to go.
Is there a difference for poos and pees? What cues do you use? We use 'pssss' noise for both and blow on back of head. Often just being over the sink is enough of a cue in it's self.
Which positions/receptacles do you use? Mostly the laundry sink (classic position) as right next to change table. At the moment she often looks down to see what's going on, so that is interesting. Also sit over toilet using classic position if out (me sitting too facing wall) and have used the potty a bit, but i often forget to do this at home. Potty is great for in the car after shopping and while we were away earlier this year! Still not great at going outside where there are LOTS of distractions, but will do it for a wake up absolutely busting type wee. Must admit I am often nervous she will poo too (and what would I do then) so I wonder if she is picking up on that?
Nappies, training pants or other? Cloth nappies between nuddie times and occasionally her big sisters training pants.
What are you doing away from home? Often nothing, if I am not out for ages she will often be dry anyway, esp if in sling. I do use the toilet when I can when out, but she doesn't tend to go often. Or a garden bed. We try to keep a potty in the car (but keep forgetting to put it back when it comes in for a wash) which is good for both girls esp after the weekly food shopping trip!
What are you doing at night? I try to take her at night feeds, sometimes she is already wet and other times she will still be dry. i have been keeping a bucket next to our bed, but keep forgetting about it and going to the laundry anyway (so tired!)
Who takes baby to the toilet? Me or DH. I'd like to support others to be involved, esp those who will care for her if we go out. Was very excited that my mum gave it a go (with success) while hubby and I saw a movie a few weeks ago. I hadn't said that the had to, but it was heaps good that they felt comfortable enough to try and toilet her.
Catches or Misses - how many and what times are especially interesting? we have BRILLIANT days and then normally followed by a day with every nappy wet. Thinking about looking at how my food affects her as I have seen some people write about that? (but also scared at what I might have to give up - LOVE chocolate!) Also probably related to busy days and my own levels of distraction.
Other insights: It is soooo worth it! I never used to know the bliss I read on here of no pooey nappies, but now we hardly get any from either of the girls.
What's your next EC goal?
My last EC goal was ...to be more observant, consistent and attentive regarding signs and signals. (Maybe getting better as we are getting more hits, or maybe she is getting better at putting up with my lack of observance?)
and to start using potty more and to get more confident wit Ecing out and about. Yes we are more confident generally and she is OK with the potty, but we still tend to use the sink more ... i think it's just such a perfect height.
A tip for this age/stage? 6 month olds are just delightful! How much more with sweet smelling cute little bottoms, on your lap and not worried about getting messy. :)