Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Baby Stuff

Baby Essentials
  • Warm loving arms
  • Breasts (or a whole lot of gear to feed from a bottle)
  • Somewhere to sleep
  • Something to keep them warm (clothes, blankets etc)
  • Something to transport with in the car (if you use a car)
  • A good sling
  • Something to catch the poop, be that a cloth or disposable nappy or a bucket
  • Love
That's really all they need

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

A Plastic Free life?

Here is a really interesting blog about a woman who has given up plastic! (Or specifically all NEW plastic in her life)
I'm totally impressed because she is a chocoholic, but won't eat it if it comes wrapped in plastic paper! (And for other reasons too)
Makes me think about how I could think more about how the things I buy are packaged! (Or even just work harder at remembering to take my green bags in when I shop!)

Saturday, 12 January 2008

Personality thing

Did this personality test, from Claire's blog.

I wish I could have a cow!

If I could have a cow, it would be a Dexter Cow. We would have fresh raw milk and it would be lovely. Unfortunately both my husband and the prospect council do not feel the same way! (And probably the neighbors too!)

But on the upside, it does look like we will have chickens (or at least a coop) in the near future! Exciting stuff!

The garden and fruit trees are (just) surviving, so we will have yummy corn, peaches, tomatos and capsicum soon! I'm not great at remembering to water when we can, so maybe it's just as well I can't get a cow!

PS We are VERY happy that Eric is home safe! Yay! Keep watching the Kenyan situation though as people are still dying and Eric's girlfriend is still over there

Thursday, 3 January 2008

Trying not to worry too much about Eric

So my brother Eric is in Kenya right now, which is apparently at present a very violent and dangerous place to be.

Here are some articles about what is happening there:
Basically from what I can gather the violence has been sparked by the election (and apparent dodgey-ness surrounding it's legitimacy), tribal fighting, general unrest and lots of violence and killing.
I am worried for Eric, and just can't wait for him to get home next Tuesday!
For those who pray, please remember him, and all those in danger over there right now! that peace will be restored soon!

Things to do around the house

Today we have been tidying up around here, after returning from Goolwa. Trying to find new homes for new toys etc and I have been thinking about all the things that need to be done around here/ i would like to do (some jobs easier than others) ... So I thought I'd start a list!

  • Establish proper veggie garden - not easy with heat and water restrictions
  • stake the tomatos - oh well they died
  • Get a nice outdoor bench
  • Make a chicken coop and get chickens
  • Get a dog (in a few years)
  • Get a filter for the rain water tank
  • Organise system to use grey water on garden
  • clean out gutters (maybe get a gutter guard)
  • Out door setting
  • Get sand for the sand pit - done (but prob need some more)
  • Ideally it'd be nice to have a watering system (drippers?) of some sort, but we may never be allowed to use it, so it's probably not that important
  • Work out what renovations we would like to do (bathroom/ extension etc)
  • Small shelve in laundry - done
  • pictures up in girls room - done
  • Get a Tall boy for our room - well we got a dresser
  • More clothes storage for girls - done!
  • toy cupboard (more plastic boxes) - we're on the way to tidier toys!
  • label rest of plastic boxes
  • do the dishes/washing/vacuuming (these ALWAYS need to be done - arghhhh!)
  • Bookshelves
  • Get rid of the freezes
  • more pictures up around - there are more but i still would like more!
  • de- clutter the front of the fridge - done!
and the list goes on!