Sunday, 2 December 2007

EC Report (4 months)

    I'm part of an EC forum and submitted this post, so thought I'd put it here too!

    Age of EC tot: Taliese is 4months Sara is 2yo (really being toilet trained using EC principles)

    We started at... 6 weeks old with Taliese. Sara, we introduced to potty at about 18months (we didn't know any better then) in a very relaxed way and I only realised last week that I was kind of ECing her too but in a different way! (But the rest is just about Taliese)

    Generally speaking we are doing... Taliese continues to amaze me! We are Ecing part-time and hubby and I are very happy with the progress. We ave good and bad times – normally more related to me not being tuned in (or giving her enough time to go) though. (thanks for all the encouragement when I was frustrated last month!)

    How do you know your baby has to go / when do you offer baby a wee?

    Timing: after wake up, and a little while after feeds. Finding day time wake up wees hard to catch this week as Taliese wake up in cot and makes no sound at all (soo contented, pity I didn't EC Sara, I always knew the instant she was awake!) so have to use intuition to catch these too. OK when we nap together or hold her.

    Signs and signals: I find this tricky, but it seems at the mo if she gets really noisy in her chatter/ cooing a poo is on it's way. Seem to see poo signs for hours before poo , farts, stiffening at wee-ops etc., whereas a month ago there seemed to be no signs at all! She is generally so distracted during breast feeds at mo that I tend to miss plucking unless my husband says 'maybe you should EC her!'

    Intuition: Just when I think it's been a while, or (since Monique suggested it), when I need to go.

    Is there a difference for poos and pees? What cues do you use? We use 'pssss' noise and blow on back of head. Often just being over the sink is enough though she starts going before cue, on other occasions I really have to count to sixty (esp before poos) or I am too impatient and don't give her long enough

    Which positions/receptacles do you use? Mostly the laundry sink (classic position) as right next to change table. At the moment she often squirms to look at us while going (cute) Also sit over toilet using classic position and have used the potty a couple of times (but she doesn't like it much) I find she is too distracted to go outside in classic pos. at moment.

    Nappies, training pants or other? Cloth nappies between nuddie times

    What are you doing away from home? Often nothing. I do use the toilet when I can when out, but she doesn't tend to go often. Probably because I'm not relaxed enough, or just a strange place. I do talk to my friends about what I'm doing, most are interested, but then it can feel a bit like performance pressure when I take her to toilet.

    What are you doing at night? I try to take her at night feeds, but mostly already wet (with a bit more to do) as she starts the night in the cot (and as I said doesn't make a lot of noise about it) and then comes into our bed for feed til morning.

    Who takes baby to the toilet? Mostly me, although my husband is getting more confident with it and is doing it more. I'd like to support others to be involved, esp those who will care for her if we go out.

    Catches or Misses - how many and what times are especially interesting? Still a lot of misses, but interestingly she normally still has more to go, like she just got rid of a bit cos she was busting, but saved the rest for wee-op. Having said that I get a wee at most wee-ops and a lot of dry nappies too!

    Other insights:

    What's your next EC goal? To be more observant, consistent and attentive regarding signs and signals.
    To start using potty more and to get more confident wit Ecing out and about.

    A tip for this age/stage? Give time at wee-ops even if he/she has done a wee. Sometimes there is more.

    A burning question? An tips to relax her (and or me) when out.
    Also any tips for using potty. Is it best to start out by putting it on change table and use classic possition of facing me? I think when she gets used to idea she will like the interaction here.

Sunday, 18 November 2007

A bit of everything really

Just using this space to record some thoughts!

Welcome to the world little Nathan Bryan Mathiesen! (Well done Naomi you are fabulous!)

Brothers! - David and Nathan

Also his birth got me thinking about birth etc and today I stumbled across this homebirth site (through a link in an email) and wanted to recorded the link as I think it will be interesting to read, but not really interested enough in it all right now.
(As I may not have an option about home birth next time, it will be best to be prepared! Also heaps cool!)

Also while talking about parenting topics i finally looked up the wrap site and am keen to try and make my own one of theses days!

Been learning a lot more about additives in food, through a talk at GEMS and stuff my Mum has been going to and some reading too! It helps to inspire healthy eating!

Still doing the EC thing part time, with off and on again success! I love it though and it has just become the norm to offer both the girl a wee stop when they wake up or i think they need to go! Normally one of them has a good day while the other wees in their nappy all day!

And that brings me to cloth nappies! I am amazed at how fun they are! Naomi told me how to do the no-pin fold which i have been having fun with today. Also i am inspired to in the new year try my hand at sewing my own fitted modern cloth nappies (with my Mum's help!)
I am amazed at how Sara enjoys wearing cloth nappies so much more than disposable (and this preference had remained for some months so it's more than a fad or novelty! they must be more comfortable even though they feel wet. we are almost full time cloth nappy users now! Wow! V. interesting for me as i really didn't care about using cloth when Sara was little!

And now for a few fun family pics from our time on the beach friday night!

As you can see Sara enjoyed our Spaghetti picnic!

David and Taliese admiring the Sunset!

So hows that for a mishmash post!

Monday, 12 November 2007

Dry ALL night!

Wow can you believe it but the nappy was dry from about 7.30 til 7.30 in the morn(or later, I'm not sure when she wet her nappy but we got up for the day then)
She even did a poo on the pot over night! What a clever little chicken Taliese is!

Wednesday, 24 October 2007

A very nice week!

I have had a very nice week this week, starting with birthday celebrations on monday... for Me this time ! Yay!
Taliese and Sara were very good for me and Dave was very sweet too! I also enjoyed the use of a 'trumps card' for the day which was fun! (Not that a really needed it!) I think this might be the start of a new tradition for us!
We visited the museum and had a nice time there and basically just chilled around home in the arvo!! then out to tea with Dave's fam that night! Last night we had my fam around for a very yummy meal including poffetjes! yummo! Only downer was no candles to blow out.
Taliese has been ECing well today, which is encouraging as i thought she might be on strike after all the upheaval of the past few weeks. ahhhh!
thinking of moving Sara to the big bed this week, just need to pick up bed rail from a friend.
Oh and My friend Jacinda had a baby, Caleb on my birthday! I'm a twin! Yay!

(Addit: And then everyone started vomiting!)

Tuesday, 25 September 2007


FYI Dave's birthday is on Wednesday 26th of September!

Monday, 24 September 2007

More on EC

This blog is in part for me to record some useful links I have become aware of, and also for those of you interested to get more info on this weird hippie thing we are doing. LOL (I'll add more links here if I find them later)

EC related links:

Oh an by the way, while we have days off as needed (which Taliese doesn't like much) we are still catching a lot of wees and some poop too!
I am finding this so fun, feel good about not using so many nappies and meeting a need I never new about. It is so cool sometimes, Taliese will be unsettled and I try comforting her, then think, maybe I'll give her a chance to wee. When I do and she does then often she will become more settled! WOW!
I have a lot more to learn, am basically at this stage just doing timing and intuition wees! Not observant or patient enough to read her cues too much yet! Also excited about making some modern cloth nappies soon!
Only sad thing is that bonds suits and the like, are significantly less attractive to me these days. Cute, but not very practical for outside of nappy wee-ing unfortunately :(

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Additives in food

Been a bit scared of late when reading ingredients lists to read all the numbers, even in food with "no preservatives" etc have lots in. Foods that I thought were healthy! To be honest, for all I know they could still be fine, but I'm inspired to do more research. (what are 'food acids' anyway?)
Found this site that could offer some answers if I ever find the time to have a good look.
Would like to know what the real badies to avoid are anyway!

Sunday, 16 September 2007

More sleep!!!

So excited! On several occasions this week Taliese has gone 7 (seven!) hours between feeds over night! I hope this continues! I may become a human again!

Sunday, 9 September 2007

EC can work!

Wow that web site was heaps helpful, have alot more to read still and lots to learn, but we are now giving the EC thing a go and have 'caught' lots of wees and poos! Very exciting for such early days! Can't believe it actually works! (Also missed quite a few, but thats all ok)

Stefan (my lil bro) is so cool! It was so fun watching him WIN last soccer game this morn! Some really impressive dive rolls too! Go the Tea Tree Gully Wanderers!

Also I am so happy that our garden now looks a little more tame! Thanks SOOOOOOO much to Eric and Stefan's help yesterday! It's a whole new world!

Thursday, 6 September 2007

Baby stuff

Baby carriers

I have been lent a hug-a-bub baby sling! I think it is great! Actually I think it might be one someone made as there are no tags and is slightly different to ones on web site, but it does the job and is sooooooo comfortable! Can't wait for next opportunity to use it again!

Elimination communication

I am sooo frustrated with this topic, I just want to know how to do it in reality, but can't get hold of a book. Amazon won't post it to Australia, not in the lib or any book stores or on ebay!
Info on the web is too sketchy and doesn't answer my questions!
Maybe we will be a nappy family after all! Oh well... just would have liked to have given it a go!

Edit: Just found a much more helpful web site!

In other news

Really enjoying Taliese's smiles and coos and Sara's gorgeous affection! So sweet

Saturday, 1 September 2007

Ingrid's Wish List

  • Something from the SIM catalogue
  • Something from the Baptist World Aid catalogue
    Chicken coop or trailer or help to build it(please!!!!)
  • Necklace (silver) braclets
  • Chocolate
  • Stove-top Kettle (with large opening so easy to clean) - pref RED (not made of aluminum!)
  • Settlers of Catan (board game)
  • Scatergories
  • Sound System
  • Dress making scissors
  • Stratego
  • Domino trains
  • Monopoly card game - not being made anymore so this would be a challenge!
  • Haigs - lemon or dark choc truffles
  • Clothes vouchers
  • Electric toothbrush
  • Get my ring (from 18th) fixed/ re-done
  • Donna Hay magazine subscription
  • Training Terrific Toddlers book
  • Ostrich feather duster
  • Books or book vouchers (christian or secular)
  • Books: A slice of organic life, jamie oliver cookbook
  • Shoes
  • Make up - lip stick
  • Bath Pillow
  • Facial treatment
  • Metal Salad spoons
  • Table cloth
  • Massage
  • Pressure canner (group pressie)
NB. second hand is fine with me for any gift!